
THERAPON Skin Health Giveaway!!

I have yet another great “Super Events” Giveaway! This giveaway is hosted by fellow blogger Full Price? Never! with contributing blogger CuzinLogic. This week we are happy to introduce you to Therapon and their amazing skin care products!

These sound amazing and the best part is that you can get them FREE!!

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Why pay full price when you can get it second hand?

Every Monday morning after dropping off my two little ones off to school you will find me and a few of the other moms at a local second hand clothing store called “Fuks.”   I have yet to figure out what is the correct way to say the name because of what I might hear.    Now why do we shop there on Monday’s?  Because on Monday everything is marked down to 2 or 3 zlotys’ (50 to 75 cents).  Normally the clothing is marked anywhere from 2 for a gently used pair of kids short to 35 for a dress or winter jacket.

When you go on Monday’s make sure you shop with your elbows up and out.  Why?  The people are brutal when it comes to shopping and discounts.  I know this is a poorer economy compared to other places that I have lived but they take no prisoners.  When I get there it is usually about 8:55am and there is already a line at least 5 people deep and by the time the doors open at 9am there is about 15 to 20 people.  Then within the next 5 minutes the store easily has 30+ people.  With this many people you quickly look through the clothes and grab whatever you think you might want to buy because if you don’t there is good chance it will be gone when you come back. You think I am kidding?

See I am not!  But if you are willing to deal with a group like this you can get some really good deals!  Here is the jackpot that I got yesterday..

I snagged 3 pairs of pants, 2 shirts and 2 pot-holders for myself, 1 shirt and 1 tie for Jim, 1 really cool stocking for my oldest daughter and for my 2 little ones, 3 dresses,  5 pairs of pants, 1 shirt, 1 skirt and 1 costume(you can never have to many dress up clothes!)  If you have keeping track there is also 4 ties and 3 belts.  Now the 4 ties are for Easter egg dye that I saw on Pinterest (head over to my Pinterest “Holiday Ideas” board to see what I am talking about).  The 3 belts well Ella I think claimed the pink one but for the other 2 I am going to cut off the buckle part and make either headbands or some kind of fun jewelry with them.

I got all of this for only…..60 zloty or $15!

As you can see I LOVE second-hand stores especially if you are going to repurpose the items like I do or if you have kids are rough on clothes like mine they are going to look like this within 2 washes anyway!

So the girls wanted to do a fashion show for you with my fashion finds. Here is what they look like up close and personal!

This is handmade. I LOVE IT!!!

Are you a second shopper?  Why or why not?

Categories: Bydgoszcz, Family, Poland, Shopping, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments

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